Parliament of The World's Religions in Toronto 2018 - Day 1

We have happily closed the first day at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, Canada, and we have to say that we cannot wait for what’s in store for the next 6 days!

We are grateful to be able to share a space with Charter for Compassion, grateful for the people that we talked to, grateful to the people that participated with our kindness chain and with those that shared with us how they live by the Golden Rule.

What a fantastic opportunity to be able to share kindness, and ideas on how to promote peace within the interfaith world, and how we can improve and empower our communities back home, and globally as well.

Thank you to those that shared their thoughts and feelings with us, for trusting us with their thoughts and opinions, we feel truly grateful and lucky to be a part of this conference.

We collected stories asking people to complete the following sentence: “I live the Golden Rule By...” and just as we expected, the essence of humanity came through as the answers feel similar. People from all over the world, with different beliefs and backgrounds, came to our space and talked to us and once again it was proven to us that deep inside of all the different identities we take on daily, we are all the same.

We are all one.

Do you see it???

Remember that when you see the “other”.

See yourself in them, because you are.

We all are.

Thanks Parliament of the World’s Religions.
See you tomorrow for another day filled with love, kindness, and oneness.

Just to let you know, our team will be presenting on Saturday and twice on Monday at the following times and places:

Compassionate Conversation that Includes Everyone: Based on the Golden Rule
Saturday November 3 2018
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Room 715A

Be Part of Golden Rule Day 2019
Monday November 5 2018
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Room 104C

Promote Peace and Justice Using the Law and the Golden Rule
Monday, November 5
Room 716B

Hope you can join us. We need you. The world needs people that values and remembers to live by the Golden Rule. Just imagine how life would be if we all remembered to live by it...!

See you tomorrow, with another blog post.

Ps.: We posted the photos on our Facebook page too, so that you can tag yourself.