Golden Rule Project receives sincere appreciation from Utah area presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

On Wednesday May 29th, Golden Rule Project was invited to an appreciation luncheon provided by the Utah Area Presidency of the Church oh Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to recognize the work done in our community and schools around the state of Utah.


We were recognized together with four other organizations:

  • Burrito Project, which is a group of dedicated volunteers who get together to roll burritos and feed the hungry and homeless in Downtown Salt Lake City.

  • Community Health Centers of Utah, provides exceptional health care to people of all ages, backgrounds, and life circumstances. They offer community members access to primary and preventive health care, dental services, and mental health provided in a compassionate, respectful, and professional manner. Many of our service providers are bilingual (Spanish) and we can arrange for translators of other languages. 

  • English Skills Learning Center, which is one of the largest providers of free and accessible English class in Greater Salt Lake.

  • Good Samaritan Foundation, who works closely with neighbors to create services and plans catered to their wants and needs.


We are grateful to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for their tender recognition. And we are also grateful to be recognized together with those incredible organizations that provide direct services to communities in need!

We consider ourselves beyond lucky to be able to work for an organization that seeks to build peace and compassion by “encouraging people of all religious, political, and social affiliations in our community to treat others the way they themselves would want to be treated.”

We have so much more in common between us all than we think…!

Find below their letter to us.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.