Build a PSA
What is Build a PSA?
Teasing, insulting, gossiping and creating rumors through text messages and social media. There are more ways to bully than ever, which means more opportunities to damage children’s developing self-worth.
In support of October National Bullying Prevention Month, Golden Rule Project, in partnership with R. Harold Burton Foundation, Spy Hop Productions, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake, Phillips Gallery, FM100.3 and Bonneville International Media, will launch Build A PSA, a multi-media initiative that enlists kids to share their opinions on how to disarm bullying using their interpretation of Golden Rule.
2021 Build a PSA Winners
The Golden Rule & Bullying
The Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) is the universal principle suggesting that people act for the good of others, because they want to be treated in the same way. It reminds us that we have the power to make collective change by being more accepting and compassionate of ourselves and others.
Examples of the Golden Rule in a bullying situation:
Considering how others might feel before acting, speaking, texting or posting on social media
Being mindful that our actions and words have real consequences
Responding with kindness, respect and with firm boundaries
Standing up for ourselves and each other
Build a Visual PSA
Build A Written PSA
Build Your Own PSA
Get creative! How would you use the Golden Rule to stop bullying? Draw or write a public service announcement teaching others how to communicate strength, compassion and confidence. Share it on social media to create awareness for October 2022 National Bullying Prevention Month, #BuildaPSA.
The contest portion of the 2022 Build a PSA initiative is limited to students ages 5 - 16 enrolled at Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake through September 23, 2022.
Join Us this October
Build a PSA gives youth the opportunity to create a piece of media that teaches other youth and their community, how to communicate from a position of strength, compassion and confidence through the lens of bullying.
The 2022 Build a PSA initiative will culminate with a youth art exhibition at Phillips Gallery located at 444 E 200 S in downtown Salt Lake City, Friday, October 14 - 28, 2022 featuring Build a PSA visual art and written submissions from youth enrolled at Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake, open to the public.
Designed for Change
Tune into FM100.3 or throughout the month of October to hear three PSAs designed by youth ages five to sixteen enrolled at Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake!
What is a PSA?
Public Service Announcements (PSAs):
Look or sound like commercials!
Can be heard on the radio, TV and shared on social media.
Aim to raise awareness, change knowledge and behavior towards a social issue.
Share a powerful, unforgettable message!
What is Bullying?
According to the Center for Disease Control, bullying (e.g. cyber, verbal, physical, covert) is any unwanted aggressive behavior by another youth or group of youths that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is often repeated (or likely to be repeated) multiple times. It can result in negative outcomes ranging from physical injury, social to emotional distress, depression and anxiety.
- Being the subject of gossip, rumors or lies
- Being made fun of, called names, or insulted
- Pushing, shoving, tripping, or spitting on
- Making others do things they don’t want to do
- Destroying property on purpose
- Leaving out / exclusion
- Threatening with harm
Facts About Bullying
Bullying doesn’t just affect those who are bullied. It negatively impacts everyone involved—from those who are bullied to those who bully others, as well as bystanders who witness the bullying.
Bullying Statistics:
1 in 5 high school students reported being bullied on school property in the last year.
Reports of bullying are highest for middle schools (28%), followed by high schools (16%), combined schools (12%), and primary schools (9%).
24.7% of African-American students, 17.2% of Hispanic students, and 9% of Asian students report being bullied at school (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2015).
74.1% of LGBT students were verbally bullied (e.g., called names, threatened) in the past year because of their sexual orientation and 55.2% because of their gender expression (National School Climate Survey, 2013).