
"Attention, Magic, and the Golden Rule" reaches 100,000 students since first assembly in 2013!

"Attention, Magic, and the Golden Rule" reaches 100,000 students since first assembly in 2013!

Golden Rule Project and Steffan Soule, the Golden Rule Magician, finished their February 2019 Tour of “Attention, Magic, and the Golden Rule” magic assemblies across the state of Utah. GRP brings the Golden Rule Magician twice a year. Here’s the February report.

Year End Report 2018

Year End Report 2018

2018 Year End Report - These are the all the things we did pertinent to spreading the principle of the golden rule, do unto others as you want them to do unto you, during 2018. We hope you see the value of our organization through the report of our efforts in the many different aspects we try to spread this message of compassion, hope, and kindness.