From Susan:
The harder I work at practicing the Golden Rule in my personal and professional life, the more convinced I am that it is THE PATH to increased joy and peace - in my own life and in our world. When I am kind to those around me - regardless of how they are treating me - the happier I am and the more peace I experience. When I am unkind, angry, petty, or frustrated, I sow seeds of discontent and no one benefits - especially not me.
This concept has been shared in thousands of ways by wise people throughout all time. Sharing their sage words is the mission of the Golden Rule Project. Yet this is a message that needs to be lived in order for it to be understood.
My life has greatly benefitted from the constant focus on LIVING the Golden Rule. And, I fall short way too often. But I strive to remember the Golden Rule and walk the path of kindness and compassion as much as I can.
My wish for 2019 is that we will all become beacons of light and love for those around us. That is my goal: To be kinder to those around me, find deeper compassion for those who are suffering, and striver harder to practice the Golden Rule. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
From Felipe:
2018 was a great year for the GRP to dream and perform big. I cannot begin to thank all the many different people and organizations throughout the world that believed in us, in what we can provide to the communities we work with, in the simple yet powerful concept of the Golden Rule and how it can be applied to EVERYTHING in this life.
I’m grateful to work for an organization that allows me and encourages me to think the empathic way by putting myself in somebody else’s shoes, by seeing more than just one side, by thinking and analyzing before acting or reacting. I consider myself lucky beyond belief for the opportunity I have to be part of the peace building movement in the world at this time, where divisions seem stronger than the many unions we witness around the world. Peace will prevail. I know it. We just gotta unite and work for it.
I hope this next year brings even more joy to the people I get to reach, more peace and reassurance that what I’m doing will harvest more peace in the world, and that the message of the Golden Rule can be louder and clearer than ever before in the minds of all that we get to touch. I believe that if we all *just* remember to live by the Golden Rule daily, the world will take a dramatic turn for the better: politically, economically, environmentally, socially and emotionally. I believe it with all my heart, so my whole heart will go into this work next year. Can’t wait to work with you and see how we can make this world a better place now.
Our best wishes to you and your loved ones in 2019
With love,